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PCR-360 Product Documentation

Welcome to PCR and PCR-360! We trust that you and your entire organization will find PCR-360 an excellent productivity tool that is comprehensive and easy to use.

This User Guide is broken into chapters, with the Getting Started Guide being a prerequisite for everything else. All of the basics are outlined in this section, and every system user should be very familiar with its contents before moving into other areas. Topics include navigation, grids, forms, buttons, required fields, etc.

This wiki is designed as a ‘how to’ reference guide to provide you with the details on accomplishing specific tasks, particularly if you haven’t done them in a while. It is designed to be used in conjunction with and as a supplement to the formal training we provide to your team as part of the implementation project. The training covers all aspects of the system – how it is designed, how functions interact, and the concepts behind the logic and flow. Therefore, these topics are not re-addressed in this wiki. If you feel that a refresher is needed to review concepts and design, please contact PCR, and we will work with you to schedule a visit or arrange a webinar to review specific areas of the application.

Have fun with the application. If you have any questions/comments on the application or this User Guide, don't hesitate to get in touch with PCR directly at 616.259.9242 or via email at

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F-H
  7. I-K
  8. L-N
  9. O
  10. P
  11. Q-R
  12. S
  13. T-U
  14. V-Z
  15. 0-9

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