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Removing/Disconnecting/Retiring Cable/Ports/Pins/Lens using the Full Path Import

Overview of the Full Path Import:

The Full Path import can create records for 'Path', 'Path Legs', 'Locations', 'Equipment' (from and to, each leg), 'Services', 'Ports/Pins/Lens' (from and to, each leg) and 'Vlans'. Each of these needs to check to see if the record it is trying to save already exists.

Replacing a Full Path:

When the RECREATE_EXISTING_PATH flag on the Import is set to True, then If a Cable Path already exists on the indicated Service or Location, then the process will UPDATE all existing Paths with the Path value in the Import File. This makes setting this flag an important part when trying to Remove/Disconnect/Retire an older Cable Path with a new one. It is important that the Path records ( 'Path''Path Legs''Locations''Equipment' (from and to, each leg), 'Services''Ports/Pins/Lens' (from and to, each leg) and 'Vlans'already exists, otherwise the Import will attempt to create the new records, but could generate errors based on the Imported values.

How to Replace a Cable Path

  1. Create the Import File for what to update.

  2. Set the RECREATE_EXISTING_PATH flag in the file.

  3. Run the Import to replace the old path with the new.

Alternate Method: using the Cable Path Import

  1. Create any new Cables/Ports/Pins/Lens/Pairs/Strands for the new Cable Path using their associated Imports.

  2. Run the Imports to create the new Cabling records for the new Path.

  3. Create the the Import File for the Cable Path.

  4. Set the RECREATE_EXISTING_PATH flag in the file.

  5. Run the Cable Path Import to update the old Path.

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