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Why can't I access a standard PCR-360 feature?


Some PCR-360 functionality becomes inaccessible for Organizations using the Deny default Permission style of Permissioning. These features include:

  • WIki Access

  • Cabling Report

  • 360 Search

  • Executing SQL Query (via AdHoc Grids)

How to Update Permissions

This is because these features do not have direct Menu/URL Access, and require some additional steps to grant access to when Permissions are denied by default.

  1. Navigate to Admin > User Management > Permission Sets.

  2. Open the desired Permission Set to update.

  3. Click on the Pages/URLs tab.

  4. Click the image-20240501-153114.png  button.

  5. Fill out the below form as follows:


    Page: core
    URL: See the Blow Reference
    Permission: Allow

  6. Click the image-20240501-153212.png button to save the updated Permission.

Feature References



WIki Access


Cabling Report


360 Search


Executing SQL Query


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