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How do I request a new feature be added to PCR-360?

Users can easily Request a New Feature be added to PCR-360 with the Suggest a New Feature form at Feature requests will be submitted to the Usability team to estimate the impact on the application and may be declined or approved. Approved feature requests will be scheduled at PCRs discretion. If an approved feature is a "must-have", users may Request Professional Services for a paid feature (which bumps an item higher up on the schedule). We do plan our releases in advance, so it may not be possible to schedule a new feature into the next available release.

To Request a New Feature, follow these steps:

  1. On the Suggest a New Feature form at, enter the following information.

  2. Enter a Summary of the work needed. This is a required field.

    1. For example, "Can we add the Attachments tab to GLA Catalogs?"

      Example of the Summary field on the Suggest a New Feature form

      Example of the Summary field on the Suggest a New Feature form

  3. Enter a Description of the requested feature. This is a required field. Include any relevant details, including what the application does currently and what the requested feature might do.

    1. For example: "It would be useful for us to be able to attach records to GLAs. Can we add the Attachment tab that is used elsewhere in the application to GLA Catalogs?" 

  4. Enter any additional information into the remaining optional fields:

    1. Impact

    2. Any Attachments that might be helpful, including screenshots of the application or mockups of the requested feature that might be helpful.

  5. Click the Create button. Example of the JSD Create button

    The Usability Request will be submitted to the PCR Usability team to examine the requested feature.

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