Warehouse Actions allow you to apply specific actions to multiple pieces of Equipment at once.
There are four available buttons: Stage, Pick Up, Return, and Inventory.
Warehouse Actions basics video
Stage Equipment
Manage Service Desk Equipment form
- Prepare Equipment at the Warehouse for pickup.
When Equipment is “Staged” the Equipment record will be updated to a status of “Staged” as well as the Service Order Equipment record. When Equipment is “Staged” the Equipment form should be read only, the same as when the Equipment status is set to “Order Pending”.
When a User creates a Multi-Location Service Change Action, a Remove Service Action on a Service Order, or creates an Incident, any Equipment at the selected Location will be loaded onto the Equipment Tab. Additionally, Service Equipment from Child Locations for the selected Location will also have their Equipment loaded as well. Anytime a User wants to add a piece of Equipment to a Service Desk item, the User can do so on the Equipment tab. The first thing the User sees here is any Equipment that an SDC has already added if one has been applied.
To add additional Equipment to the Service Desk item, follow these steps:
Click the button.
The 'Add New Service Desk Equipment' form opens.
Add New Service Desk Equipment form
The User must first select an 'Action' for the Equipment; 'Add', 'Move', or 'Remove'.
A 'Quantity' must be selected. The following rules from the Equipment's Catalog apply: Assets and Cabling Equipment can ONLY have a Qty of 1. If the Equipment "Has Units", the Quantity displays "UOM".
If the User wants the Equipment to be billed, the 'Billable' flag needs to be selected.
Next the User must fill in the relevant information on the 'Details' tab.
A User can also set Equipment to 'Staged', 'Picked Up', or 'Complete' according to the same rules for Warehouse Actions from this form, as well if the Equipment was previously added and the User is editing it.
If a User selects an Override Expense GLA, that GLA will be displayed on the Service Desk Action's Equipment Tab.
If the Status of the Equipment is set to 'Staged' or 'Completed', the 'Details' tab is set to read-only.
When the Equipment is an 'Asset' or 'Cable' additional fields will appear.
The 'Equipment' picker will open a form that will allow the User to specify which particular Asset should be added from the Equipment grid.
If the Equipment is an Asset the 'Asset Tag' field will display the Asset Tag of the Equipment if one has already been saved for the Equipment record. If there is no current Asset Tag the User can enter an Asset Tag for the selected Equipment into the field. When the 'Manage Service Desk Equipment' form is saved the record for the Equipment will be updated to include the new Asset Tag.
If the Equipment is Cabling Equipment the 'Equipment ID' field will display the Equipment ID of the Equipment if one has already been saved for the Equipment record. If there is no current Equipment ID the User can enter an Equipment ID for the selected Equipment into the field. When the 'Manage Service Desk Equipment' form is saved the record for the Equipment will be updated to include the new Equipment ID.
The 'MAC Address' field will populate based on the value already assigned to the Equipment. If this value is changed, the update will be applied when the Equipment becomes "Complete". This field will only be available on Equipment Add Actions with Quantity of one or for Equipment Catalogs that have the Asset or has units flags checked. Note:When a MAC Address is saved, PCR-360 will apply standard formatting to it, and allow Users to search for them in the 360 Search.
Thebutton will open either the 'Add New' or 'Manage' version of the Equipment form.
'Add New Equipment' - will allow the User to add a new Equipment record if none that are satisfactory can be found in the 'Equipment' picker.
'Manage Equipment' - will allow the User to edit the Equipment specified in the 'Equipment' field on the Manage Service Desk Equipment form.
Expense Type
Equipment has the option to add an 'Expense Type' when selecting an Equipment Catalog on the Service Desk Equipment form. If there are multiple Expense Types specified on the Default Charges tab of the Equipment Catalog they will appear in the form. The Expense Type drop-down will dynamically display based on one of three possible states the Equipment Catalog may have.
These states are as follows:
No Expense Type
No Expense Type field will display This happens when there are no Default Charges associated with the Equipment Catalog.
Read-Only Expense Type
Read-Only Expense Type
The Expense Type drop-down will display but will be read-only. This happens when there are one or more Default Charges associated with the Equipment Catalog with a single possible Expense Type. The specified Expense Type will be used automatically and no input is required from the User.
Editable Expense Type
Editable Expense Type
The Expense Type drop-down will display and values can be selected.
Whatever Expense Type is selected will determine what Default Charge(s) are added to the Service Desk item. This allows for the appropriate Charges to be selected for the Equipment based on the Expense Type.
Replaced Equipment
Replacement Equipment field
The 'Replaced Equipment' picker allows the User to select any Equipment that is associated with a given Service and assign it to be automatically removed when the SD item is completed. This Picker only selects Equipment that is assigned to the Service that is selected.
The Replaced Equipment Picker auto-completes in two circumstances:
The Equipment Catalog is an exact match for the Equipment that is already on the Service, AND there is only one matching Equipment record.
When the Equipment Catalog is selected, if there is only one Equipment record on the Service, the Replaced Equipment Picker auto-completes if there are a sibling Equipment Catalog(s) in the Equipment Catalog hierarchy as well. This allows related Equipment to select for one another and saves a few clicks for the User.
Asset equipment
When the Equipment is an 'Asset', two additional fields appear. This is the same functionality that is available to a User on the Warehouse Actions'Manage Service Desk Equipment' form when the Equipment is an Asset.
The 'Equipment' picker opens a form that allows the User to specify which particular Asset should be added from the Equipment Grid.
Equipment Pick field
The 'Asset Tag' field displays the Asset Tag of the Equipment if one has already been saved for the Equipment record. If there is no current Asset Tag, the User can enter an Asset Tag for the selected Equipment into the field. When the 'Manage Service Desk Equipment' form is saved, the record for the Equipment is updated to include the new Asset Tag.
The button opens either the 'Add New' or 'Manage' version of the Equipment form.
'Add New Equipment' - allows the User to add a new Equipment record if none that are satisfactory can be found in the 'Equipment' picker.
'Manage Equipment' - allows the User to edit the Equipment specified in the 'Equipment' field on the Manage Service Desk Equipment form.
Cabling Equipment
When the Equipment is 'Cabling Equipment', two additional fields appear. This is the same functionality that is available to a User on the Warehouse Actions 'Manage Service Desk Equipment' form when the Equipment is 'Cabling Equipment'.
The 'Equipment' picker opens a form that allows the User to specify which particular Cable should be added from the Equipment Grid.
Equipment Pick field
The 'Equipment ID' field displays the Equipment ID of the Equipment if one has already been saved for the Equipment record. If there is no current Equipment ID, the User can enter an Equipment ID for the selected Equipment into the field. When the 'Manage Service Desk Equipment' form is saved, the record for the Equipment is updated to include the new Equipment ID.
Equipment ID field
The button opens either the 'Add New' or 'Manage' version of the Equipment form.
'Add New Equipment' - allows the User to add a new Equipment record if none that are satisfactory can be found in the 'Equipment' picker.
'Manage Equipment' - allows the User to edit the Equipment specified in the 'Equipment' field on the Manage Service Desk Equipment form.
Equipment Status
The Service Desk Equipment form displays the Stock Availability indicator when the Equipment Action is 'Add'. This indicator provides a visual reference for the User to know if the Inventory is available based on the Qty, Equipment Catalog, and From Warehouse.
When there is enough Inventory in the selected From Warehouse then the Availability Indicator will reflect
. When there is enough Inventory in the selected Warehouse to fulfill the Order, but the Inventory Qty is below the Reorder Threshold then the Availability Indicator will reflect . If there is not enough Inventory in the selected From Warehouse than the Availability Indicator will reflect .
If the User forgets to specify the From Location on the Service Desk Equipment form and selects an Equipment Catalog, then the
indicator will appear in the Availability column of the picker. The No Location indicator only appears on the Equipment Catalog picker form when the From Warehouse is blank on the parent Service Desk Equipment form.
The 'Activity' tab is a record of the Equipment as it moves from Pending to Staged. When Equipment is Staged/Picked Up/Completed, the Location the Equipment was pulled from is shown as a record on this tab. This record assists with tracking where Equipment originated from. Reports can be generated from this tab for a full accounting of all of the Equipment records.
6. The Inventory Fulfillment section displays two pieces of information:
The Warehouse that is fulfilling the Equipment request.
The Purchase Order Selection to identify where the User desired the Equipment to come from. The options for this dropdown menu are:
A Specific Purchase Order
Anything Not from a Purchase Order
Purchase Order Selection field example
Pick Up Equipment
- The Equipment has been picked up from the Warehouse.
This Status is used to label a piece of Equipment by a Worker as Picked Up from the Warehouse.
When Equipment is “Picked Up” the Equipment record will be updated to a status of “Picked Up” as well as the Service Order Equipment record. When Equipment is “Picked Up” the Equipment form should be read only, the same as when the Equipment status is set to “Order Pending”. Equipment may only be Picked Up after it has been Staged.
Return Equipment
- Send Equipment back to the Warehouse.
Equipment may be returned on “Add” Service Desk equipment actions or on remove actions. When Service Desk Equipment has a status of “Pending”, returning the Equipment will decrement the quantity of the Equipment ordered. A “Return” Service Desk Equipment record will also be created with the quantity of Equipment returned and the Service Desk Equipment quantity will be adjusted to reflect the amount returned. The Equipment owner will be removed and the service associated to the Equipment will be deleted (removed from the Service Equipment grid). Any monthly recurring charges on the Equipment will be removed. The condition and status of the Equipment will be updated to what was chosen on the Warehouse Actions “Return” form.
There are a few restrictions when returning equipment:
When returning Assets, only one Asset may be returned at a time. Consumable Equipment may not be returned if the Service Desk Equipment record has been completed.
If Equipment has units, the quantity determines how many units are sent back to the Warehouse.
Staged, Picked Up, or Complete equipment can not be deleted from Service Order Equipment. A Return needs to be completed from Warehouse Actions to properly return the Equipment to the right Warehouse.
When the action status is “Complete” or “Finalized” and Equipment is Returned, a credit will be created for any non-recurring Equipment charges. If the Equipment action is complete, but the Service Desk Action is still “Pending”, a credit will be created for any non-recurring Equipment charges and a “Return” Service Desk Equipment record will be created with the quantity of Equipment returned. The Service Desk Equipment quantity will be adjusted to reflect the amount returned as well.
Activity Log
Manage Service Desk Equipment Activity
- View the Activity related to the selected Inventory.
The Inventory button will allow the User to see the Activity for the Equipment. This is especially useful for when Inventory is being pulled from multiple Locations within the Warehouse. This functionality was moved from the Warehouse Actions grid column "Equipment Activity" to improve performance. On this grid when Inventory has been "Staged" or "Picked Up" the 'Action' on this form will display as Pulled.
Display Service Desk
When a User clicks on the button, for a selected record, the system will open the Service Desk Item the Equipment is associated with.
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