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Using Multiple Addresses for a Single Location


There may be times where a single building within your Organization may be so large, or structured in such a way that multiple addresses are needed. With the use of 'Location Catalog' types, a single building can be broken down smaller Buildings that are part of a single Site.

How to Structure

Structure Example of Site with Buildings

Structure Example of Site with Buildings

By treating the entire structure instead of as a Site, the User can store each of the individual Addresses as a Building sub-Location of the larger Site. This will make it possible to maintain the inherent relationship between the larger structure, and the multiple possible Building Addresses for each relevant section of the larger structure (Site).

Building the Locations

  1. Build the Location Catalog for the main Location to be divided into sub-Locations.

    • This Location Catalog should be of type Site

      Location Catalog - Site Example

  2. For each unique Address create a new Location Catalog of type Building, using the Site as the Parent.


  3. Build up the rest of each Building as normal using Floors/Rooms/etc...

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