The 'Associated Items' Tab appears on 'Projects' and 'Problems' records.
By clicking the button located immediately above the 'Associated Items' Grid, the User is presented with a comprehensive list of all the 'Incidents', 'Orders', 'Requests', and 'Estimates' currently in the system. Depending on the type of item the User has selected as the parent, only certain items may be added as a child record.
Service Orders
Service Requests
Incident Requests
Incident Requests
Users can choose to bundle as many items together as desired.
When the desired items have been checked, click the button at the bottom of the 'Add Associations' form. The new Associations appear in the 'Associated Items' Grid. Once the User saves the new 'Problem' or 'Project', it appears on the 'Service Desk' Grid.
Removing an Association is as simple as selecting the item in the Grid and clicking the button. This removes only the Association, not the Associated item.
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