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Service Desk Workflow Start Date


The Notification will send out the email when the Start Date is set in a given Workflow .


The ##ASSIGNED_WORKER_EMAIL## placeholder will insert the email of the Worker in the To: field if there is an assigned Worker on the Workflow. The ##SDWF_WORKGROUP_MANAGER_EMAIL## placeholder will insert the email of the Manager of the Workgroup in the To field and will always be included. The ##CSR_EMAIL## placeholder will insert the email of the Service Rep that was assigned to the Service Desk item.


The email will provide a summary of the Workflow that was assigned. The ##SDWF_SEQUENCE## placeholder inserts the Wf Number from the Workflow and is always included in the email.
The ##SD_LINK## placeholder inserts a URL link to the SD Item and is always included in the email.
The ##SDA_NUMBER## placeholder inserts the Action # into the email and is only included if there is a value for the Action #.
The ##SDWF_WORKGROUP## placeholder inserts the Workgroup specified in the Workflow and is always included in the email.
The ##SDWF_START_DATE## placeholder inserts the Start Date specified on the Workflow and is always included in the email.

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