The User Management Perspectives grid allows Users with Admin privileges to access the Perspectives of other Users and either delete them or copy them to other User's accounts. This can help the onboarding of new PCR-360 Users by immediately setting up useful Perspectives other Users with similar roles use on that new User's account.
The most important details displayed by this grid include:
The Perspective's Type
The Perspective's Name
If the Perspective is a Default
If the Perspective is Shared
The User ID of the Perspective's owner
The Perspective's owner's Roles
The Frequency of Reports run using that Perspective
The Next Run Date for the next Report run using that Perspective
Other details displayed by this grid are:
The Identifier for the Perspective as saved within the Database
The Perspective's last Modified Date
Who the Perspective was last Modified By
The SQL filter Value used on the Perspective
This item is hidden by default but can be displayed if a User desires.
Admin Default Perspectives
These Perspectives override the original default layout. They allow Admins to customize what all Users will see when viewing Grids. These do not override a User's default Perspective and can be created by visiting the desired Grid, and checking the Admin Default box when creating a new Perspective.
These Perspectives will have a blank User ID in the Perspective's Grid indicating they apply to all Users.
Copying a Perspective
Only one Perspective can be copied at a time but can be copied to multiple Users at once.
Select the desired Perspective to be copied from the grid
Click the button
Select the desired Users to copy the Perspective to
Click the button.
Deleting a Perspective
One or more Perspectives can be deleted at a time.
Select the desired Perspective(s) to be deleted
Click the button
Click Delete Selected from the confirmation dialogue
Note: When a Perspective is deleted, the Grid will not be updated until one of the following occurs:
The page is refreshed
A new Perspective is created
An existing Perspective is updated
When an Admin deletes a Perspective, due to User Perspectives being saved in sessions, Users may still see deleted Perspectives in their Perspective lists. These lists are updated when one of the following occurs:
The User logs out and back in
A new Perspective is created
An existing Perspective is updated
Scheduling a Report
Admins can choose to schedule a Report based on a Grid Persetective from the Perspectives Grid
Schedule a Report
From the Perspective Grid's toolbar, click the button.
Set the schedule on the form:
Once the Report is scheduled, click the button on the form.
The schdule details will be added to the Perspectives Grid.
Stop a Scheduled Report
From the Perspective Grid's toolbar, click the button, for a Perspective with a Scheduled Report.
Click the button, to stop the Report.
The schdule details will be removed from the Perspectives Grid.
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