Permission Builders allow the user to enter Form/Element Permissions without knowing the internal name of each form and element. Refer to the Best Practices for Permissions Sets for more examples.
To use the Permission Builder:
Open the data-entry form whose Permissions are desired to be impacted. In this example, the Contacts form is used. Click the Options Menu.
Click on Permission Builders in the menu.
This hides/shows the Permission Builder lock icons. Click one of the lock icons.
This opens an Add New Form/Element Permissions data-entry form with the values filled in for that form and element. Select the Permission Set to modify, and click Save.
To set permissions on the entire form, clear the Element field before saving.
Set a form to Read-Only
There are two quick methods to set a form to read-only. On method simply makes the elements read-only. The second method will remove the Form's buttons. Either of these methods can prevent changing individual fields, however, both should be used together to truly lock a field down so it cannot be modified in any way.
Set all elements to Read-Only
Open the form that needs Read-Only Permissions
Navigate to Options > Permissions Builders in the form header.
Click any of the icons on the form.
This will open the Add New Form Element Permissions form.
Select the Permission desired in the Permission Set drop-down.
Select the Element text field and delete whatever is in that field.
Add an asterisk "*" to the Element field.
Set the Permission drop-down to Read.
Click the button.
The Permission is set as read-only for every Element on the form.
Set form to Read-Only to remove buttons
Open the form that needs Read-Only Permissions
Navigate to Options > Permissions Builders in the form header.
Click any of the icons on the form.
This will open the Add New Form Element Permissions form.
Select the Permission desired in the Permission Set drop-down.
Select the Element text field and delete whatever is in that field.
Leave the element text blank in the field.
Set the Permission drop-down to Read.
Click the button.
The buttons will be removed from the bottom of the form.
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