Before setting up a Coordinator, we need to define their meaning in PCR-360. In PCR-360, a Coordinator is the person or persons responsible for the Bill for a particular Department. Coordinators see the Services, Equipment and Billing for the whole Department. If Services and Equipment are Owned by individual Contacts, the Coordinator sees all the Services and Equipment owned by the Contacts if the Contacts have a Department set in the Customer tab of the Worker / Contact. The Coordinator sees the Billing for the whole Department.
There are three separate components to properly set up a Coordinator.
Edit Coordinator Permissions for the Contact record as needed.
Set Contact as a Coordinator
Before a User can be a Coordinator, they must have the Coordinator Type added to the Worker / Contact record.
Navigate to Main > People > Worker / Contact.
Locate the record that should be a Coordinator.
Open the record.
Click the Type multi-select and make sure the Coordinator checkbox is selected.
This requires the Customer Type and adds automatically if it is not already set.
Select the Customer tab and make sure the required field Customer Number is filled.
The Department picker sets the Contact as a member of the Department. Any Services and Equipment owned by the Contact is visible to the Coordinator of that Department. This picker does not set the Contact as the Coordinator.
If the Coordinator should receive the Bill email, make sure the Allow Coordinator Bill Email checkbox is selected. If you do not see the Allow Coordinator Bill Email checkbox, please double check to make sure Coordinator is selected in the Type field.
Save the Worker / Contact record.
Add Coordinators to Department Hierarchy
Once the Worker / Contact is set as a Coordinator, it can be selected as a Coordinator in the Department Hierarchy. Multiple Worker / Contacts can be set as Coordinator for a given Department.
Navigate to Main > People > Department Hierarchy.
Select the Coordinators tab.
Click the button.
The Add New Existing Coordinators form opens a list of all the Worker / Contact records with Coordinator type set.
Find the Contact that needs to be a Coordinator for the Department, select them, and click the button.
Save the Department Hierarchy record.
Repeat this step for every Department Hierarchy that should have a Coordinator.
Setting Coordinator Permissions
The Coordinator is set. When they navigate to the CustomerCenter, they are able to view the Services and Equipment for their Department. This is a multi-step process. There is a default Role called CustomerCenter installed that can either be used as a starting point or as an example of the kinds of Permissions needed for a Coordinator.
Create a Permission for the Coordinators
PCR recommends creating dedicated Permission Sets just for Coordinators.
Navigate to Admin > User Management > Permission Sets.
In the Name field, enter a name for the Role that makes sense for your organization.
Add a Description that makes sense for this Role.
Save the Role by clicking the button.
Select the Permissions Sets tab.
Click the button.
Select the Permission that was previously set up for Coordinators and click the button.
Click the button to save the Role.
Assign Role to User/Contact
Finally, the Role must be assigned to the User. The User record should be associated with the Worker / Contact that was made a Coordinator in the first step of this FAQ. There are two ways to assign Users to Roles.
From the Role
This is the fastest method for assigning multiple Coordinators to a Role.
Select the Users tab from the Role setup in the last step.
Click the button.
Select all the Users that should have the Coordinator Role assigned to them.
The grid can be searched and filtered to quickly find additional Users to select.
Make sure to click the checkbox in the grid to select multiple Users at a time.
Once all the Users desired are selected, click the button.
The User has the Coordinator Role assigned to them.
From the User
Navigate to Admin > User Management > Users.
Search or filter the grid for the User record that is the Coordinator.
Open the User record.
Add the Coordinator Role in the Roles select list.
Save the User record by clicking the button.
The User has the Coordinator Role assigned to them, and this method has to be repeated for every Coordinator.
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