Sometimes a Customer may have a need to submit a generic request for support. This could be because the Customer doesn't know how to utilize the CustomerCenter to get the Service needed, or maybe the Customer has a Request that is not otherwise available in CustomerCenter. This can be handled with the General Request page in CustomerCenter.
Subject - The Subject is a required field that transfers into the Subject field of the Original Inquiry tab of the Inquiry.
Topic - The Topic is a required field that transfers into the Topic field of the Original Inquiry tab of the Inquiry.
Request Details - The Request Details is a required field that transfers to the Message section of the Original Inquiry tab of the Inquiry.
Attachments - Attachments can be added to the General Request in the attachments field, which is optional.
To start a 'General Request' in the CustomerCenter menu navigate to Support > General Request.
Enter a Subject into the Subject field.
Select a Topic from the drop-down.
Enter the details of the request including as much relevant information necessary into the Request Details field.
If there are Attachments that should be included those can be added with the button.
When all the required fields have data, the User can click the button.
This will submit an Inquiry to the back end of PCR-360.
The General Request will submit and there will be a confirmation displayed at the top of the page.
From there the Request will be able to be processed by the Service Rep as appropriate.
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