The 'Events' grid is a read-only grid available within PCR-360 for monitoring behind the scenes actions PCR-360 is taking. Double-clicking a Grid row opens the "Manage Event" form, where you can review the background data involved in the Event. The Grid and Form provide useful information about what an Event will do when executed.
Events are organized by Groupto make it easier to find specific Events. Event's whose Groups are marked with an asterisk (*) identify that the Event is considered a'Master Lock Event'. While a Master Lock Event is running other Events will not be allowed to start, Events already being run are not affected by the Master Lock Event beginning.
Status: There are 3 Status values for an Event. Pending, Hold, and Error.
Pending: The Event is active and waiting to be run.
Hold: The Event has been suspended so it will not run.
Error: The Event was executed, but encountered an error situation and could not complete in the number of Attempts allowed.
Attempts: The number of times the system has executed and it failed to complete successfully. Events are assigned a particular limit of Attempts before they are switched to Error Status and no longer attempted. The limit of Attempts varies between different types of Events.
Frequency: This indicates how frequently the Event will run.
Blank: This is not a recurring Event, once executed, the Event will be removed from the grid
Process Locked: A means the Event is unlocked and waiting to be executed. A means that Event is currently running and is "locked". This prevents separate Event cycles from picking up the same Event. Once it's running, no other cycle will touch it.
Custom Events
Custom Events may be created within PCR-360, however, support for these Events will be limited outside of Professional Services. For specific questions, please send a message to your Account Manager. Any Errors encountered by the Custom Event, such as Error Details from an exterior API, will be added to the Error Log located at Admin > Error Log Explorer, as well as any related logs for Escalations.
Master Lock Events
Only one of these Events may run at any given time to reduce database impact.
Events Quick Reference
Service Desk
Import File Processing
Historical Data Archiving
Other System Events
Network Events
Avaya Events
These Events are a part of a separate module of the Application and will not be created on your Organization's install unless the Avaya Interface Module has been purchased.
Cisco Events
These Events are a part of a separate module of the Application and will not be created on your Organization's install unless the Cisco Interface Module has been purchased.
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