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Cable Grid

Cable Pairs/Strands: Cable Grid

Add Pair/Strand

  1. Click the
  2. This is open the 'Add New Pair/Strand' form.
  3. Edit the desired information, only the Pair/Strand number and the Pair/Strand Status are Required fields.

Edit Selected

  1. Select the Pair/Strand to edit. This can be done by single-clicking the Pair/Strand and clicking the
    Edit Selected
    button or simply by double-clicking the item in question.
  2. This will open the 'Manage Pair/Strand' form.
  3. Edit the desired information, only the Pair/Strand number and the Pair/Strand Status are Required fields.

Update Existing Path End Points

Checking the

Update Exisitng Path Endpoints
box will update the existing Path Legs Destination Equipment on any preexisting strand. If deleting the destination equipment, the related path legs will also be removed.

  1. Select the Pair/Strand that needs updating and double-click or use the
    Edit Selected
    button to open the item in the 'Manage Pair/Strand' form.
  2. Select and open the Destination Equipment that needs updating. This opens the 'Manage Destination Equipment' form.
  3. Select a different Destination Equipment.
  4. Check the
    Update Exisitng Path Endpoints
  5. Save and Close the form.

View Path

  1. Select the Pair/Strand that a view of the Path is desired for.
  2. Click the 
    View Path
    button. Pop-ups must be enabled for this operation as the path will open in a new tab.
  3. The view will generate with the Service ID, and Location displayed in plain text.
  4. A graphical representation of the path will display, and individual components can be clicked on here.
    View Path example
  5. If a component is clicked on, PCR-360 will open the 'Manage' form for that component.
  6. Close the tab, or click on the origination tab to return to the Cable: Pairs/Strands grid.

Edit Path

  1. Select a Pair/Strand that needs its Path edited.
  2. Select the Pair/Strand to edit. This can be done by single-clicking the Pair/Strand and clicking the
    Edit Path
    button or simply by double-clicking the item in question.
  3. The 'Manage Path' form will open.
  4. Edit the Path as desired.
  5. Click the
    button to modify the Path.

Service Desk

If a Pair/Strand has a 'Service Desk Action' associated with it, the action can be viewed simply from this button.

  1. Select the Pair/Strand that has a Service Desk action to view.
  2. To view only Pairs/Strands with Actions Filter the Service Desk field with the 'Is Not Empty' type in the Filter Service Desk dialog.
    Filter by Is not Empty example
  3. Once the appropriate Service Desk item is selected, click the
    Service Desk
  4. This will open the 'Manage Service Desk Action' form. More information about managing these options can be found at Manage Service Desk Action.
  5. Modify the Action, as appropriate.

Delete Selected

This will delete the Pairs/Strands from PCR-360.

  1. Select the Pairs/Strands item to delete.
  2. Click the 
    Delete Selected
  3. The item will now be removed.

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